Where is the Justice? Second Edition
Acclaimed author William F. Hill’s remarkable autobiography, titled “Where is the Justice? Second Edition,” is now available in leading digital stores globally, discussing life of hard work that was jolted by the failures of the bank and how America needs successful individuals to get people off welfare.
In the book, William talks about the pride he has when he sees hardworking individuals and those who risk life and limb to get ahead of the pack and succeed.
Because of this thinking, he then tells readers how this upbringing pushed him to go out of his comfort zone, carve out a space for himself, and share his success with people around him.
William has also been astounded by great values inculcated by families – how couples treat their children the right way, provide for them, and lead the way in teaching them the importance of integrity and compassion in their lives.
“Where is the Justice? Second Edition” may be a lengthy and extensive look into one man and his family’s episodes of life experiences, but it takes readers on an immersive journey of exasperation – why a successful man who only wants to help others gets taken advantage of – and how that lingering dilemma still brings to the fore the values needed in today’s society – that is, compassion and social connection.
William F. Hill’s own tale of hard work and success is an inspiration to people seeking the American Dream – that is, the set of ideals wherein freedom involves the chance for progress and success, as well as prosperity for couples and children, accomplished through hard work in a society.
William Hill brings to the table the existing reality of how successful private individuals had helped those in the margins succeed compared to governments, which have been riddled by corruption, red tape, and weak response efforts that have all sidelined the poor and the vulnerable along the way.
“A person who is successful usually lives in a little better house. Many now think that this is wrong, but that person probably pays several times the property taxes of someone living in a less expensive home. This will benefit everyone as this helps to educate their children and pay for many of the local services that people demand today,” says William.
Those who want to grab a copy of “Where is the Justice? Second Edition” may purchase it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Book Depository.
Inks and Bindings, a leading United States-based company, has led the pack in bringing out William Hill’s interesting book to the public, providing many authors exclusive access to publicity.