Inks and Bindings
About Our Company
Inks and Bindings is a premier self-publishing company located at the heart of the Golden State. Aptly based where fashion, entertainment, and culture thrive, we go all out in bringing independent authors into the sweet California spotlight.

"The Ticketbooth Magazine"
Read on, fellow human, and share in the joy, despair, and epiphanies that our poets detailed in their works.
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What Clients Say About Us

I developed strong friendships through this process and was treated with the utmost respect. Everything during the process was accomplished in a timely and personal manner. thanks, for renewing my faith in this industry.

Marshall, Charles Wilson, and the rest of the web developer’s team were outstanding! Pia Roberts was totally awesome as well.

Somehow I feel this is legitimately in my best interest to get the quality of our book known.

Marshall Murdock has been a pleasure to work with, always responsive to my questions and concerns. I am very pleased with the press releases he wrote and am optimistic about results. Everyone at Inks and Bindings has been very kind and helpful. Thank you so much.

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